YOGI VINOD KUMAR comes from Sivananda School and has spent many years in Himalayas and by the holy river Ganga, in holy cities of Haridwar, Rishikesh and a direct disciple of Swami Geetananda of pondicherry is also his guru.


He was blessed by his param guru Sri Sai Avathar on He served as a priest in a kali temple in shivalik hills.


He has taught yoga and reiki to more than 1500 individuals from all walks of life in personalized classes.


He gives more emphasis on spiritual, hidden and healing aspects of yoga than just perfection of physical postures. The network of Vinod Kumar’s students have spread throughout the world.


Yoga requires “Abhyasa” (practice) of Yama and Niyama (Inner and External observances) to prepare the ground for doing ‘Asana’ (Physical Postures) and Pranayam (Higher Dimensions of breath); to Purity Nadis (nerve channels) so that the agitations of the mind are calmed and it is made Fit to do “Dhyana” (Meditation) on the source of Divine Love & Light, to become one with it (self realization, liberation) “Kundalini” is awakened through “Prema Shakthi” – the culmination of all Yoga Practices.

Why Sai Yoga?

We live in momentous times as all the five elements-Earth-Water-Fire-Air and Space on which our very existance is dependent have become polluted. Higher feelings of compassion, truth and love have evaporated in the heat of greed and selfishness. Increased incidents of allergies, cancer, arthritis, AIDS, viral outbreaks, mysterious ailments and other man-made disasters compete with floods, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis…


VINOD KUMAR lives and teaches in beautiful, mystical and tranquil Nilgiri Hills more ancient than the Himalayas with its unique bio-diversity, cleaner environments and rich tribal and cultural background.


Coonoor – 643101. (Dist. Nilgiri Hills) Tamil Nadu State, India.


+91 – 423 – 2230203


+91 98943 58545




Latitude 11:36 Longitude 76:78


Summer : 25°c to 10°c Winter : 21°c to 5°c


5500 to 6000 feet (aproximately)

Nearest Airport

Coimbatore 75 kms

Railway station

Coonoor, Mysore, Bangalore, Chennai(Madras), Cochin(Kochi) are within 175 to 550 kms by road.